People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Their speech, behavior, and appearance can be improper or indecent. Modesty is not a bad thing to babies at all. There’s an awful lot wrong with the way it is framed in much of LDS rhetoric, as has been pointed out on numerous blog posts. Liberal feminists like myself find ourselves on the horns of a dilemma. Modesty is one of the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as "the first fruits of eternal glory": charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. Follow. Modesty is so much more than covering your chest or not showing your bum. How would you define a presumptuous act? What’s the right length of skirt? Why trust a group to make … In this episode I talk about modesty from a biblical perspective, and why we as godly women need to consider the way we adorn our bodies—the bodies that were bought at the price of Jesus Christ's. And we can unwittingly make those Christian ladies feel shame about their bodies or as if they’ll never measure up to our (impossible) standard of godly behavior. I don’t think anyone sharing this message would say that because modesty is a principle and not a particular style of dress means that modesty in dress doesn’t matter. I don’t dress … Driver holds that modesty is a form of ignorance about oneself. As a progressive observant Jew, I embrace and observe the tenets of my religion while living in the modern world. SONGS: 33, 88. The not so simple side to modesty is modesty of attitude. These consisted of not wearing those non-sleeved shirts with the really big dips down to your sides, … They can dress or act in suggestive or sexual ways as well. Just to add my voice, there’s nothing wrong with modesty. To do with much more than the narrow confinement to dress. But let’s define the right thing correctly. 1 Corinthians 11 is the only chapter in the Bible that explains the practice of Christian head covering. 4 The Bible contrasts modesty … Jeff Spector says: March 9, 2014 at 5:29 pm. Recent attempts to explain why modesty should be considered a virtue have failed. And most importantly pray that today you can use your body to glorify the Lord. We use that same word, spelled cosmos, and it means the whole order or the world. Strictly speaking, covering the hair is just one part of a Muslim woman’s dress. “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.” The part translated “concerned” comes from the Greek word kosmos. Modesty is a beautiful thing, in both men and women. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, looks aren’t that important? However, I am suggesting we take a step back and ask ourselves why modesty is important to us. The old adage “I have nothing to wear” swirling through my mind. 6. Get real. Also, I believe that to a large extent, the clothing that the fashion and retail industry promotes and provides for women and girls nowadays is becoming increasingly … Open your Bible to the second chapter of Timothy and find the ninth verse. It is about not thinking of oneself as greater than others but having the mindset of … It is about how we respond to events or actions in life. They must try to adapt to the new culture. At a minimum such institutions strongly disagree with the argument from modesty, in the sense that they seem to believe things that the outside world tells them are wrong, quite often. It’s about the body and the heart of Christ we are representing. 2) be honest about her own behavior and how she had decided to change. It’s not cowering in your seat with your head down so you won’t attract unwanted attention. Many times over, a modest woman in literature would send the male subject into a … J. Parker is the author of Hot, Holy, and Humorous: Sex in Marriage by God’s Design and blogs at Hot, Holy & Humorous, using a biblical perspective and a blunt sense of humor to foster godly sexuality. Home Articles Why Modesty Still Matters. But it was spoken about King David, a man. Why modesty is sexy (in my opinion) DanielAppleton15. We do care what people look like, and we do judge people by their appearance, probably more … Why Modesty is Worth It. The word "modesty" comes from the Latin word modestus which means "keeping within measure". What are we defending when we assert the right of a woman to cover up? French authorities eventually recognised that it’s wrong to force women to strip off in public for the sake of political values, and overturned the ban. 845 385. They have no sense of modesty at all yet, and they have no reason to be feeling ashamed of nursing from their mothers breasts. When I hit my teen years, dressing within the guidelines of tzniut (modesty) felt limiting and frustrating. She just won’t leave well enough alone. There must be a reason why … We don’t want to don an outfit that would tempt most red-blooded males. It is simply something that they are unaware of. It comes across in our appearance, our words, our actions. If it was tactless and indecent 60 years ago for a woman to wear a bikini and now it is the norm, is modesty relative? Don’t get obsessed. From both my reading of the Bible, and the witness of the Holy Spirit within me, I believe that it does matter, it is an issue. A more adequate account is that modesty involves understanding how far one's accomplishments ought to be taken as definitive of one's value. It takes away insecurity and the need to compare yourself to someone who looks different than you and vice versa. How can we be content in Jehovah’s service? It is to do with attitude and bearing far more than it is to do with inches. If anything, modesty is the exact opposite, it levels the playing field. Nothing is wrong with modesty. Twitter. And Dannah. With one small article she managed to. For instance, at my Christian university, I knew a girl (me) who skirted around the no-shorts dress code and wore rather sheer pants (with a long shirt, I promise, Mom), and her legs were as on display as if she were wearing shorts (yes, I regret this choice). To do with much more than the narrow confinement to dress. Recognize it? When it comes to modesty, let’s do the right thing. One might argue, and many have, that this is all a myth, that there is nothing wrong with the human body nor our reactions to other human bodies, that we should get over our shame-inducing hang-ups, and, as the ’70s idiotic idiom had it, let it all hang out. These are three ideas I’ve been thinking about to explain why modesty matters, not just “be modest, wear this” but how modesty gives women control and power over our own lives. Just because a particular style or fashion is popular doesn’t mean you have to wear it. The word “modesty” makes us cringe these days, and it’s easy to understand why: For years it’s been associated with a prudish culture of shame and blame. Perhaps she doesn't want to make him feel insecure, like she's still seeking attention from other men besides him. But what about 1 Peter 3:3? When Muslims choose to live in a different culture, they cannot expect the new culture to change its rules for them. Because you want to reserve those physically attractive … This is more complicated because it’s about our character, not our clothing. I couldn't tell that it wasn't strapless," she insisted. I believe that young women should dress more modestly because you want to attract the right kind of young man and you are also helping yourself and others. There are still two more reasons why modesty matters: Reason #4: God Specifically Calls Women to Dress in Modest Apparel Reason #5: … First of all, I am not saying by any means that women shouldn’t wear revealing clothing if they want to. Here’s the rundown version of this pep talk: Modesty matters to you because you would want to be seen as a total package. The word "modesty" comes from the Latin word modestus which means "keeping within measure". Juli, the question you asked toward the end about men having some responsibility for their own dress was spot on; I believe this is a big miss too. Although not much about my dress changed, I became more conscious of what I was wearing and careful not to be too revealing. It’s not swearing off all makeup or jewelry (save the wedding ring). While women might face more gender issues, from the look of the blog it makes it seem like men face none and they are getting annoyed at that suggestion. Because—let’s face it—the subject of modesty riles up a lot of feelings among women. It is how we hold and carry ourselves as women of God in general. Standards of modesty are culturally and context dependent and vary widely. Moreover, you can find a way to follow almost any dress code and still present yourself immodestly. One might argue, and many have, that this is all a myth, that there is nothing wrong with the human body nor our reactions to other human bodies, that we should get over our shame-inducing hang-ups, and, as the ’70s idiotic idiom had it, let it all hang out. These consisted of not wearing those non-sleeved shirts with the really big dips down to your sides, … That evening my husband and I were scheduled to attend … It’s their body so it’s their choice. Choosing modesty is not an act of body shaming. Women were created by God to be physically beautiful. Well ladies, you have thought wrong. Modesty Is Not About Shaming, It's About Love Ladies, we should never be ashamed of our bodies. Modesty is enjoying a popularity it hasn’t had since Victorian times. As modesty is increasingly used by the right-wing as a pretext to blot out women, Modern Orthodox Jews need to be careful not to have a knee jerk reaction against it. Driver holds that modesty is a form of ignorance about oneself. 5:18-19). In the crossfire of explosive opinion, I stumbled upon a kind comment from a reader who brought up a very good point: “I know lots of very cute, sassy dressing Christian women (on and offline), and they KNOW they are cute, sassy dressers, and … Modesty places value on a woman’s body (nudity doesn’t). There are many nuances that need to be mentioned. Women continue to be associated with their bodies in ways that men are not. They no longer know why modesty matters. We certainly don’t want to put a “stumbling block” before our fellow Christians, but as Galatians 6:5 so clearly says, “For we are each responsible for our own conduct.”. 1 Corinthians 11 is the only chapter in the Bible that explains the practice of Christian head covering. Simply put, I don’t own my children. The problem is that we have started seeing ourselves as just bodies–we feel threatened if someone attempts to rein in our freedom to dress however we … Modesty is a total package, with dress being one part of it. Modesty is a beautiful thing, in both men and women. In this way we can fight back, using modesty … Why, though, does modesty still matter? As a woman who has struggled with lust and has adultery in her past, I often long for men to be more thoughtful about women who may struggle. Facebook. 1) not judge anyone. Here are some reasons why Christians need to actively pursue modesty (rather than being indifferent about it – or worse, viewing the Bible’s commands with contempt) 1. I totally accept that it's on me to look away or leave, but it would be great if those guys realized some women struggle too. I was immobilized by indecision. Of course, one of the reasons we should be modest is to help men keep their eyes and minds where they should be focused. This verse is commonly used when we talk about modesty: “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. Making modesty sexy is not the solution we need. Just to add my voice, there’s nothing wrong with modesty. However, God didn’t design the intimate parts of this beautiful body to be consumed by any passerby (Prov. All rights reserved. by Sarah Jane Reeves. Question: "Can a Christian be a nudist? Why the Lack of "Modesty Rules" in the Bible Is Actually a Good Thing, Rachel Baker - Read more Christian women spiritual life, faith, and growth. Or rather, don’t.). But the subconscious, logical conclusion is that “If modesty isn’t a style of dress, but rather a principle, why should I have to dress a certain way?” ), and for God's grace...and I'm grateful for this resource. What does the Bible say about nudity?" I value modesty because God clearly commands it – not because it protects me or because it keeps a man from lusting after my body. And how can we remain modest despite challenging situations or pressure from others? Modesty does worse in cases the maverick is right, yet better where the maverick is wrong: there are more cases of the latter than the former. To dress modestly is to avoid deliberately causing sexual excitement in oneself or one's neighbor. In this use, it may be considered inappropriate or immodest … Why Modesty in Dress (and Especially at Mass) is Important “We like seeing you in church — just not so much of you.” Flora Macdonald Reid, “The First Communion,” 1894 (photo: Public Domain) Why did God reject Saul? The audacity of Veronica Partridge is something to behold. In 1 Timothy 2, after the apostle Paul says women should be modest in appearance, verse 11 states, “For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.” Modesty involves being attractive with the good we do in the world—and that flows from a heart devoted to God. If it was wrong 100 years ago for a woman to bare her elbows, and now we think nothing of it, has modesty changed? I am only learning and would be genuinely interested in discussion on the topic of modesty, at least at this time. The principle of modesty has always been important to me as a covenant child of God and I have done my best to work with the Lord on remaining true to my belief system as I … Tweet. 13 12. I finally felt … The imperfect packaging of the evangelical purity movement left ma... What if you gave millions of people the wrong advice? We are more than our body. Modesty in Modern Culture: Why Veronica is Right and Victoria is Wrong. Modesty is a gift to those around you. It is to do with attitude and bearing far more than it is to do with inches. Modesty is best understood not as a compulsory act motivated by hate or blame, but a conscious decision based on strength and love. He tells us that this is a part of official apostolic teaching (v. 2) and is the practice of all churches, everywhere. Jeff Spector says: March 9, 2014 at 5:29 pm. I think if everyone dressed modestly, … Nothing appropriate anyway. Modesty begins as an attitude and involves all the decisions we make in how we carry ourselves – the impression we leave with others. WHEN Jehovah chose Saul to be king, Saul was modest. Modesty is not a bad thing to babies at all. Christian Life, Sexuality. Thank you for this episode Juli. Guest: Dannah Gresh, Pure Freedom Ministries. Of all published articles, the following were the most read within the past 12 months Nov 22, 2012 Ratings: +4,376 / 350 / -381. by Everly Pleasant — 06/03/2013 (Note: Despite my closing statements, I really do feel like this is a good topic to debate. (See opening picture.) Here, I was shown my first guidelines on modesty: why modesty should be considered, and what purpose it serves–this was a great stepping stone for me. The obsession with modesty started with Shakesphere. I like to think that I represent neither of the two phenomena. And she holds that we value modesty because the underlying psycho-logical trait which leads to this ignorance, reluctance to add up one's own worth, is itself valued because it "leads to the alleviation of the more … Why Modesty Still Matters “Wisdom is with the modest ones.” — PROVERBS 11:2. Article Images Copyright ©. Mowing the yard minus a shirt or at the gym, it's difficult. I then studied the bible and was also baptized into the church– A HUGE deal for me! If you think that’s true, by all means buy this woman’s … explain why modesty alleviates jealousy and envy makes just this wrong sort of sense of this fact. Modesty is pretentious – it is possible to speak the truth about your self-worth with grace and humility. Immodesty is always wrong. How low can your neckline dip? I am grateful for my husband of nearly 29 years (we had a rocky start! Finally, men can immodest too. Share 117. I pushed everything that was … (So… we think that makes it an issue for you, too, fellas.) Modest people communicate this self-understanding through behaviour motivated by the desire to ensure that their accomplishments do not cause … Why Modesty Matters Might modesty matter? This reminded me of when I went to Prayer & Action, and they started giving modesty guidelines for both men and women. I also think modesty applies to guys. I’m interested in what is on the inside”? My decision to bring up the topic of modesty feels a little like wading into a shark pool or striking up a conversation about politics at the Thanksgiving table. But at the same time, we women can’t lust-proof the world, or even our church, by being modest all the time. Guys (especially Christian guys who want modest girls) shouldn’t be posting topless pictures on Instagram just because it is more socially acceptable for a guy to be topless in … But perhaps the reason this subject gets our nerves rattling and our hackles up is people misconstrue what modesty really is. Shouldn’t it be their body, their choice? What are the rules?! What is modesty, and what is it not? My observance began to decline, and my closet took the hardest hit. The truth about modesty is that the Bible teaches it to be about much more than the clothes we wear. The French girls were probably prohibited from wearing their headscarves to school because it violated a rule. The Lauren Shields “modesty experiment” debacle is simply the latest example of the ways Western society privileges outsider narratives about Muslim women and ignores what we have to say about our own lives and experiences. Instead, we need to create a positive model of what modesty should be — a powerful tool to bolster female self-esteem, help men respect women, and maintain healthy relationships. Modesty is about not being improper or indecent. Why is covering the head important? “Modest” is the antonym of “authentic” – inauthentic living stifles your true Self. Two decades ago Josh Harris turned the Christian dati... From beginning to end the Bible tells a story about marriage. Modesty, sometimes known as demureness, is a mode of dress and deportment which intends to avoid the encouraging of sexual attraction in others. Modesty is closely related to courtesy and grace — two virtues that have little to do with our opinion of ourselves, and instead relate to respect for and consideration of others. Certain educational theories, in Europe especially, are experimenting with this theory, allowing youngsters, even in … Modesty does worse in being sluggish in responding to moral revolutions, yet better at avoiding being swept away by waves of mistaken sentiment: again, the latter seem more common than the former. Modesty isn’t hiding your feminine form with baggy clothes or burying every inch of skin underneath generous swaths of fabric. Click below to watch this video! It might be popular for the wrong reasons. Using the argument from modesty, to believe decisions made by groups and institutions that are disrespecting the argument from modesty, is at least highly weird. In high school, I went through a rebellious stage, questioning G‑d and religion. There’s an awful lot wrong with the way it is framed in much of LDS rhetoric, as has been pointed out on numerous blog posts. However, as a guy, I find that women that are modest with confidence can actually be pretty attractive. Pray to seek your Creator, not men or fashion statements. Why Being Modest Works Against You. It is simply something that they are unaware of. Ess Well-Known Member. Go ahead and present yourself as the beautiful woman you are, but spend more time with God than your makeup kit. explain why modesty alleviates jealousy and envy makes just this wrong sort of sense of this fact. 4 Reasons Modesty Empowers Women and Nudity Doesn’t 1. Although this hasn’t been something that’s been a part of my parenting for the duration, it has evolved over time to become a message that even my youngest children are very familiar with now. We would all agree that the standard of modesty has changed drastically in the last several decades. This reminded me of when I went to Prayer & Action, and they started giving modesty guidelines for both men and women. (I was 21 years old at the time, which, I hope, partly explains why I felt the need to justify myself when I'd clearly done nothing wrong.) And in this video, I cover the most important ones, including WHY it should specifically matter to YOU! In some quarters, “modesty” has come to mean sexual repression and religious fundamentalism. The French girls were probably prohibited from wearing their headscarves to school because it violated a rule. But the point is, there’s a way around any list we devise, so let’s stop with the lists and look at the reasoning behind modesty instead. And sometimes, we leave that impression—that somehow the responsibility for men not lusting is on us and our modesty. Is what we wear really an issue? And while one manifestation of propriety and decency is what we wear, you could be dressed in a Jedi robe and cloak and still be immodest in your speech and your behavior. Certain educational theories, in Europe especially, are experimenting with this theory, allowing youngsters, even in … I could wear a “tent” and there’d still be a few perverted-minded men who’d want what’s underneath. So, what IS wrong with the modesty message? They were pretty lax, but the men got the same exact guidelines as the girls, and it was awesome that they gave guidelines for men, too. Part of the definition of modesty is “not excessive or arrogant”. "Doesn't matter. Modesty does worse in being sluggish in responding to moral revolutions, yet better at avoiding being swept away by waves of mistaken sentiment: again, the latter seem more common than the former. There is nothing wrong with that, but we shouldn’t get surprised when men start to wonder why the posts are completely one sided when it comes to gender. Modesty does not mean ugliness. In that first chapter, I talk about 5 different reasons why modesty matters according to the Bible. 4. Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and … Because God’s Word says that modesty still matters, this is the very first topic I cover in my new E-Book, Radiant Modesty. (Just walk by an Abercrombie & Fitch poster. "It has straps," I said, "but even if it was strapless, I didn't take off my jacket." But we can fight back, using modesty … modesty is a beautiful thing, in men! Back, using modesty … modesty is the only chapter in the Bible tells a story about Marriage,. 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